Arkansas Medicaid Funding: A Call to Action

Arkansas Medicaid Funding: A Call to Action

  Note: In light of recent legislation in Arkansas, threatening to de-fund therapy services for children with special needs, please feel free to cut and paste any or all of this post. Please call, email, or write your senator in SUPPORT Arkansas Medicaid funding,...

Reduced Play Time Concern

Reduced Play Time Concern

Dear Melissa, My son is in kindergarten this year, and it seems as if so much of his school day is focused solely on academic work. When I was in kindergarten, it seems as if we were focused on dress up, story time, and finger painting. Where did all of the “play...

Homework Survival Tips

Homework Survival Tips

Dear Melissa,  I have 2 children in elementary school, and it seems as if completing homework is a battle every night. Do you have any tips to make homework easier for our family? Ugh. I really don't like homework! I did not like it as a child, and I dislike it even...

Homework: too little, too much, or just right?

Homework: too little, too much, or just right?

Dear Melissa, My son is in first grade. We spend around 30 minutes on homework every night! Doesn’t this seem like too much homework time? I, too, have often wondered if my elementary-aged children are receiving too much homework. It is such a tricky item to balance....

Writing Grasp Development

Writing Grasp Development

Dear Melissa, I am a preschool teacher. It seems as if every 4 year old in my classroom holds the crayon differently. How do I best help them to develop a proper pencil grasp? This is a question I get from a lot of teachers, parents, and even fellow...

GFCF Diet and Autism

GFCF Diet and Autism

Dear Melissa, My 3 year old son was just diagnosed with Autism. In researching this diagnosis, I am finding numerous on-line parent groups discussing the benefits of a Gluten-Free/Casein-Free diet. Should I consider changing my son’s diet?  This is a pretty hot button...

Aquatic Therapy Benefits

Aquatic Therapy Benefits

Dear Melissa, I hear that TEAM just opened a new Aquatic Center. My child loves to swim! Would adding aquatic therapy be appropriate? I know it is odd to think about a child swimming when it is still cool outside, but Children’s Therapy TEAM now has an indoor pool...

Indoor Activities for Kids in Northwest Arkansas

Indoor Activities for Kids in Northwest Arkansas

Hi Melissa, We have friends who have an 8 year old boy coming to stay at our house in a couple of weeks. This will make 3 kids in the house. Since it is too cold right now to send them outside, what are some fun, indoor activities to do with them, so that we don’t all...

Benefits of Outdoor Play

Benefits of Outdoor Play

Dear Melissa, From your perspective as a Pediatric Occupational Therapist, what is your take on children's need for outdoor time? Currently, the average American child spends only 30 minutes in unstructured outdoor play each day, and more than 7 hours per day in front...

Recess Critical for Learning

Recess Critical for Learning

Dear Melissa, I have seen an article all over Facebook about a school in Texas that has increased recess time for their youngest students and has seen great results. What are your thoughts? I love offering my perspective on recess in my role as a Pediatric...

Indoor Gross Motor Activities for Kids

Indoor Gross Motor Activities for Kids

Dear Melissa,  I have 3 boys in Elementary/Preschool. Now that the weather has turned colder, how do I help them use up all of their energy with indoor activities? When the weather is warmer, it is so nice to simply say, “Let's go outside!” when the kiddos start...

MLK Day Activities

MLK Day Activities

Dear Melissa, My kids are out of school today for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Do you have any ideas for fun crafts to help celebrate the day? When I was in elementary school, our Catholic school actually had school on MLK Day, while the public schools were out. It...

Head Banging Concerns

Head Banging Concerns

Dear Melissa, My 3½ year old son has some mild developmental delays, which we are addressing and making progress with through various therapies. However, I am really concerned that he bangs his head against the wall as he is falling asleep at night and has been...

Resolutions for Kids

Resolutions for Kids

Dear Melissa, In the spirit of the New Year, what do you think about elementary-age children making New Year’s resolutions for themselves?  I am a huge fan of resolutions, not just at New Year’s, but constantly. I am always telling my children that we all have areas...

Snow Day Activities for Kids

Snow Day Activities for Kids

Dear Melissa, What are some calm, indoor, fine motor tasks that we can do over the long winter break or on snow days? The frenzy of the holidays is over. Now it is time to enjoy time off before returning to school to begin a new semester. Whether at home on holiday...

Holiday Chaos

Holiday Chaos

Dear Melissa, I have a 6 year old son with a diagnosis of autism. We drove 2 hours to my mother-in-law’s house for Thanksgiving dinner, and it was a disaster! My son wouldn’t give her a hug, wouldn’t sit in his chair, crawled under the table, wouldn’t talk to anyone,...

Holidays with Children with Special Needs

Holidays with Children with Special Needs

Dear Melissa, I want to help my kids feel the real spirit of the season. But, this is hard to do when festivities become a bit overwhelming. What are your thoughts? I have personally written about this in the past, but refreshers are always very helpful...for all of...

United Nations’ International Day for Persons with Disabilitlies

United Nations’ International Day for Persons with Disabilitlies

Dear Melissa, I recently learned that the UN sponsors an International Day for of People with Disabilities. What are your thoughts? The big day was just a few days ago on December 3, 2015. But, I would like to think that we live the spirit of the day throughout the...

National Adoption Awareness Month

National Adoption Awareness Month

Did you know that November is National Adoption Awareness Month? As we have entered the holiday season of thankfulness, it seems only fitting to discuss the importance of family. Families can be created in so many different ways. In my work with children, I see many...

Autism & High Prevalence of GI Problems

Autism & High Prevalence of GI Problems

Dear Melissa, My 5 year old grandson has Autism, and he has a lot of trouble with constipation. Is this common in the children you treat? YES! One of the problems with Autism that is not often discussed are chronic issues with the gastrointestinal (GI) system....

Inexpensive Sensory Toy Ideas

Inexpensive Sensory Toy Ideas

Dear Melissa, Do you have any sensory toy ideas for things that are a bit more affordable? OF COURSE! Some of the best sensory toys are some of the cheapest. Many are even found in the dollar section of your local Wal-Mart or Target store. Others can be found on...

Christmas Gift Ideas for Children with Autism

Christmas Gift Ideas for Children with Autism

Dear Melissa, Christmas is approaching. Do you have any FUN sensory toy ideas for my 4 year old grandson with Autism? I love the Holiday Season! Eleven months of the year, I try to make my recommendations to parents as cheap as possible. I love to try to “make due”,...

Flu Shot vs Nasal Spray Mist

Flu Shot vs Nasal Spray Mist

Dear Melissa, I know you advocate the importance of getting the flu shot, but should I give my 2 year old son the Flu mist nasal spray or the traditional flu shot? Flu Shot vs Nasal Spray Mist Thanks for the question! This is something many parents will have to...

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