I started a little journey about ten years ago when I signed up to treat two twin girls in their home after only seeing a chart with a list of needs and diagnoses. In my head, I was thinking that I would probably get treatment started until someone else had a more permanent spot. It was just another day.

Now ten years later, I have gone into their home for two hours every Thursday since the day I signed up. I’ve watched them grow. I’ve watched them develop life skills. I’ve watched them get stronger. I’ve watched them laugh and smile with the most joyful hearts.

I could not hold back the tears when I left on my final day of treatment with the girls. I left down their driveway a much better OT and person because of them. We celebrated all of the milestones and accomplishments we have seen together over the past ten years and doggone it, my girls had to turn 21 (putting them outside of the pediatric bracket) and our time must come to an end.

What started as “just another day” became a journey. It became a part of my life. It became part of my routine to check on “my girls” every Thursday. And yes, I can still do that… and will! But it will be a new season. I will be in a much different role when I go.

Sometimes I don’t know what I am signing up for. A lot of times I would choose the path I could plan out perfectly and logically if I had the option. But today reminded me that sometimes the path can mold me into much greater if I get out of the way of my own self.

We started as strangers, but they let me into their home and we have grown to so much more. We aren’t charts. We aren’t strangers. We aren’t a labeled diagnosis. We aren’t a labeled type. We are all people. All dealing with things. Leaning on each other to get further down the road.

Visiting the home of these girls each week for a decade reminds me of the importance of getting to know your neighbors. Love them. Be a small piece that makes a big difference in this world that needs so much love. If anything, you can borrow some sugar when you run out.

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