This picture arrived in the mail this month. Speech Therapist Jessica Benton beamed with pride when she saw it! One of our TEAM moms sent the picture to our clinic and labeled it, “Jr. with his talker on the first day of 5th grade.” 

We noticed Alan was wearing an appropriate super hero shirt on his first day of school, so we couldn’t resist creating a super hero picture for him as another way to remember his first day of 5th grade.

Receiving your first AAC device is a big deal! It is an even bigger deal when you can take that device to school. Whole new worlds of communication are opened up.

Children’s Therapy TEAM’s Augmentative and Alternative Communication Program provides evaluations to determine the potential fit for a child to benefit from use of an AAC device. Comprehensive support is provided throughout the process of selecting a device and learning to use the device as a means of effective communication.

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