Elena Clark, her brother Leks Clark (front) and members of the Administrative TEAM

Elena Clark presented her latest Perler bead project as a thank you gift to Children’s Therapy TEAM. The work now has a permanent home on the walls of Children’s Therapy TEAM’s Administrative Office. Elena, diagnosed with cerebral palsy, first began receiving services at Children’s Therapy TEAM in 2005.

Perler beading may seem like an odd hobby for an individual with cerebral palsy. But Elena enjoys defying expectations. Perler beads are, without a doubt, a fine motor challenge for most. Each small plastic bead must be carefully picked up and placed on a tray to make patterns and designs.

Now a teenager, Elena sees how all of the work with her therapists over the years translates into functional skills that she will carry with her for the rest of her life. She has learned at every turn that big goals require many small steps. For Elena, there is one crucial key to success. “Have a good, positive attitude all the time, even if it takes a while to get to your goal.” 


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