Ms. Wheelchair Arkansas

Did you know that we have a celebrity right here at Children’s Therapy Team? Our own Ms. Tabitha Mayberry is not only a fantastic speech therapist, but was recently named Ms. Wheelchair Arkansas! On April 20, 2016, Tabitha went to the Arkansas Governor’s Mansion and was crowned by First Lady Susan Hutchinson. To get the scoop, I interviewed Tabitha to find out what being Ms. Wheelchair Arkansas is all about.  

Melissa: So how did you find out about the Ms. Wheelchair Arkansas competition?  
Tabitha: I randomly came across Ms. Wheelchair through Facebook. When I saw the post, I thought to myself, “What a great way to raise awareness for those with disabilities, a group I am so deeply a part of!” Becoming Ms.Wheelchair would allow me so many opportunities to have a voice, a voice for myself and a voice for those without one. 

Melissa: What was the application process like?
Tabitha: The application was approximately 3-4 pages long with many questions, including questions about high school, college, work experience, volunteer work and a platform. 

Melissa: Can you tell me a little about your platform? 
Tabitha: I would like the opportunity to educate more people on disabilities. The need for communities to be educated about people living with disabilities is ever-growing. Often, discrimination and negative attitudes toward people with disabilities come from a general lack of information and misunderstanding. Visual impairment, hearing impairment, physical disabilities, hidden disabilities, and cognitive disabilities are all included in the thought process when considering those with disabilities. Through awareness, knowledge and skill building we can create a more inclusive environment for the disabled community members and strengthen our own communities as a whole. In order to strengthen our communities, we must first strengthen ourselves through available resources. Connecting with people and resources is an integral part of our lives. It is vital that we offer and make those resources known to all, including those with disabilities, in order to help us all live an active and engaged life.

Melissa: That is such a fantastic cause! What other responsibilities do you have as Ms. Wheelchair Arkansas?  
Tabitha: The responsibilities for Ms. Wheelchair Arkansas include promoting awareness to eliminate a variety of barriers, while informing the able-bodied public of the achievements and accomplishments of people with disabilities in my own community and our surrounding communities. This, in turn, will have a positive effect on my state as a whole. These responsibilities will include visiting advocacy groups, making public appearances and conducting interviews. 

Melissa:  We at Team are so proud of you! What is your next step in the Ms. Wheelchair process? 
Tabitha: The next step is to attend Ms. Wheelchair America in Grand Rapids, MI, during the month of August. It is a week long event with an agenda larger than I could have ever expected. There will be 4 interviews, a speech, a masquerade ball, a 50’s night, a crowning gala, a farewell breakfast, etc. I am most excited about meeting all of these inspirational women who have so much passion and knowledge to share. 

A final word
We here at Children’s Therapy Team are SO PROUD of Tabitha and all of her accomplishments, both immediate and to come, as Ms. Wheelchair Arkansas. We already know that she is an extraordinary speech therapist and is able to empower her clients to use their voices. Now, we are learning how she is using her own voice to speak up for disabled members of our entire community as well. 

Are you interested in helping Tabitha Mayberry in her pursuit of Ms. Wheelchair America? Please consider donating to her GoFundMe account in order to help raise awareness for those with disabilities across the state and hopefully across the nation.

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