TEAM Resource Library Topic: Play Therapy


Play TherapyWhat is Play Therapy?
Many children are able to naturally communicate their thoughts, feelings and ideas through play. Licensed therapists can often learn a great deal about a child through observing their play. The play itself can also be used as a tool for healing. The United States Association of Play Therapy defines play therapy as “the systematic use of a theoretical model to establish an interpersonal process wherein trained play therapists use the therapeutic powers of play to help clients prevent or resolve psychosocial difficulties and achieve optimal growth and development.”

Helpful Web Links:
United States Association of Play Therapy
Arkansas Association for Play Therapy

Play Therapy Providers:
Day Springs 479-750-1272, Therapist: Richard Eller, Accepts Medicaid
Ozark Guidance Center 479-695-1240, Locations throughout NWA with play therapists on staff, Accepts Medicaid

Do you recommend a particular Play Therapist? We would love to hear. email:

TEAM is not liable in any capacity for the quality of services delivered by any outside entity. If you find errors or have questions or concerns, you may contact our Family Support Coordinator, Amber Spencer, at, 479-841-4938.

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